

十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, founded in 1854, is a community of faith, wisdom, and service. The College serves approximately 900 students in undergraduate programs and in the W. 小詹姆斯·桑福德. 研究生和专业研究学院. 十大菠菜靠谱平台在支持精神成长和探究的氛围中提供了杰出的文科教育. 一个优秀的员工福利计划和在一个支持成长的环境中工作的机会, body, 和精神在十大菠菜靠谱平台等待着你.

十大菠菜靠谱平台被南方学院和学校委员会(SACSCOC)认可,授予学士和硕士学位. 十大菠菜靠谱平台也可以提供证书和文凭等认可的学位证书. 有关十大菠菜靠谱平台认证的问题可以写信给南方学院和学校委员会,地址是1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, 请拨打(404)679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org).

十大菠菜靠谱平台的教育预备课程是由阿拉巴马州教育部批准的. 音乐课程由全国音乐学院协会(NASM)认证。. 生物化学课程由美国生物化学和分子生物学学会(ASBMB)认证。.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, in accordance with Title IX and Section 106.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 并说明学院的政策, 禁止性别歧视.  Similarly, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, gender, 性别认同, 性取向, disability, religion, age 和/或国籍 in its education program or activity, 包括入学及就业. 有关更多信息,请参见 krqnsj.24n3x7vn.com/misconduct.




The Department of Music at 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 (Montgomery, 从2024年8月开始,诚聘助理教授(终身教职).

职责: 担任合唱活动总监, 成功的候选人将担任合唱项目管理员,指挥音乐会合唱团,同时与其他音乐学院合作为该项目和合唱团招募学生. 音乐教育助理教授, 该候选人将指导合唱音乐教育学生并教授音乐教育课程, plus additional courses depending on the candidate’s expertise. 候选人将监督合唱音乐教育领域的经验(与教育学院合作),并与州和地区的高中合唱总监保持良好的关系. Faculty at the Assistant Professor level teach 24 hours per academic year, 担任委员会成员, 从事学术活动.

Qualifications: 音乐终末学位, 合唱指挥或音乐教育(或相关音乐领域,有30小时以上的合唱音乐课程). 理想的候选人还应具有大学和/或K-12级别的教学经验,并有在小型, 文科设置.

Our Program: 十大菠菜靠谱平台音乐系在成功的合唱团方面有着悠久的历史. 我们的音乐课程由全国音乐学院协会认证,提供音乐和音乐教育学位. 音乐系位于西比尔·史密斯大厅,包括教学工作室, practice rooms, recital hall, classrooms, 音乐技术实验室, 唱诗班排练厅. Performance spaces include Delchamps Recital Hall, Ligon Chapel, and Top Stage.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, CV, 所有学术成绩单复印件(在搜索过程中可以接受非官方成绩单), 教学理念陈述, and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Sarah Conrad Sours, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, at officeofthecao@hawks.24n3x7vn.com. 后续的搜索过程将需要更多的材料和教学录像. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. 为了获得充分考虑,候选人应不迟于提交材料 2024年6月17日.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition of the United Methodist Church, 是否致力于培育信心的成长, wisdom, 服务和准备在快速变化的世界中取得成功的毕业生. Founded in 1854, Huntingdon is a coeducational liberal arts college.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 is committed to a policy against legally impermissible, arbitrary, 或者不合理的歧视行为. Therefore, the College, in accordance with applicable federal and state law 并说明学院的政策, 禁止在就业实践和教育项目实施中基于实际或被认为的种族的歧视, color, ethnicity, gender, 性别认同, 性取向, disability, religion, age, 和/或国籍.


熟悉所有与现金管理相关的业务部门政策, check requests, 采购订单, 和采购卡(P-Card)的使用.

对与应付帐款职能相关的会计政策有大致的了解.  You should understand the ins and outs of the payable process, including how it affects reporting requirements.  在审查发票或合同时, you must be able to determine proper recognition of expenditure (asset addition, current expense, 应计费用或预付费用).

Be able to use software available to aid with the research of information, 报告和核对要求.  目前可用的软件示例有:Great Plains (GP)、Excel、Word、File Maker、Adobe.

Understand and be able to fully utilize the Accounts Payable GP module.  这包括但不限于:

  • 使用报告来确定发票的账龄,或在必要时回答审计或报告问题.
  • 必要时作废支票或发票.
  • 查询已付款项目或输入的发票,以避免重复付款或及时回答供应商/员工的问题.
  • 定期审查供应商名单, 未完成的采购订单, etc to ensure all items are correctly in system and up to date.

审查和评估所有的支票申请和采购订单申请,以确保其包括正确的供应商名称, address, amounts, GL会计准则, 以及授权签名.   Enter the check requests or 采购订单 into the GP system, 使用正确的文件编号, due dates, 和描述.  任何差异或问题应与请求者讨论,并在输入系统之前解决. 


Maintain Annuity payment schedule and make sure all payments go out timely.

Review all P-Card reconciliations received to ensure all policies were followed.  Make sure all receipts are attached and approvals have been obtained.  任何违反政策的行为应与持卡人一起解决,然后交给主计长审查和邮寄.

能够设置新的p卡用户, 管理账户, and resolve issues by utilizing on-line software.  Keep proper documentation of all changes made to user accounts.

Maintain balance in Bulk Mail and Business Reply card postage accounts, 并正确记录这些账户的使用情况.  Make sure usage of this postage is recorded in proper period.  必要时补充账户余额. 

记录月末分录,以便在15日之前获得预算信息和应收帐款/代理报表th of each month.  月末分录包括:


了解现金收款功能,并能在需要时发挥作用.  This includes the receipt of student payments.  需要了解现金的来龙去脉,以及它与在分账中正确记录和报告的关系.  Be able to balance cash drawer and recognize where problems with outages may exist.  还需要excel的基本知识,能够检查和正确的公式,以确保数字计算正确.

因为这个部门的规模很小, 确保所有预期的缺勤都得到批准,并尽快添加到业务办公室的日历中.  在申请休假时,还应考虑部门和学院发生的其他情况. 

沟通和团队合作是本系为学院服务所需能力的关键.  本系或学院其他系意外缺勤期间, 有空是很重要的, 愿意并能够在需要的地方提供帮助.  如果可能的话,应该尽量避免把物品或情况留给客人来解决.  如果认为有必要履行商务办公室的职责,你也必须准备好在延长的假期来上班.

十大菠菜靠谱平台学生发展办公室邀请申请住宅社区主任一职. This is a full-time, live-in position in a freshman women’s residence hall.

学院寻求一位有吸引力的领导者,为包括传统宿舍在内的校园住宿和社区生活提供监督, 以及住在十大菠菜靠谱平台校区附近的一系列房屋和公寓里的学生.  The individual assumes primary responsibility in developing, executing, 并在学年期间管理740多个床位项目的住房运营和住宿教育. 他们为住宿主任和社区协调员(CC)提供培训和发展机会。.候选人必须表现出主动性, display a strong commitment to student learning, and communicate effectively with students and colleagues across the College.  候选人将协调各项计划,在宿舍生活中培养社区精神, 教育学生了解大学的政策, and hold students accountable for following community standards.  候选人将与学院的客房部保持良好的工作关系, 维护和保安人员为居民创造安全健康的十大菠菜靠谱平台体验.  候选人将与住宿生活的其他专业人员合作,解决学生之间出现的问题和冲突. 候选人将在一年中参加下班后/周末/假期轮班,以应对校园事件和紧急情况.  成功的候选人将监督社区协调员和其他学生雇员, 协助学生发展办公室管理深夜和周末校园活动.

学士学位是必需的.  Relevant experience in residential life or campus leadership is preferred.  Employment is contingent upon a satisfactory background check.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, a resume, and a list of three professional references to Dr. 凯瑟琳·柴尔德里 kathleen.penney@hawks.24n3x7vn.com.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, 公共安全部诚聘保安主任一职. 保安员职位负责提供安全巡逻和履行与保护大学生有关的职责, faculty, staff, 个人和机构财产通过法律和学校规则的执行,以确保一个安全可靠的环境.


  • 与教职员工、学生和公众保持十大菠菜靠谱老平台和关系.
  • 执行日常报告,步行和机动车辆巡逻学院财产,以维护法律和秩序.
  • 预防和发现犯罪行为.
  • 接听有关火灾的电话和投诉, 汽车事故, lockouts, felonies, 还有其他轻罪.
  • 实施急救, 进行初步调查, 收集信息, and prepare detailed accident investigation reports.
  • 与有投诉和询问的人面谈,并试图作出适当的处理或将其引向适当的当局.
  • Attend regular training classes in police methods, first aid, target practice and other law enforcement-related work as required.
  • Provide crowd and traffic control during sporting events and other special events.
  • Enforce and issue parking citations upon regulations.


  • High school graduate or GED approved by the State 教育部.
  • 21岁或以上.
  • Have a valid driver license with an insurable driving record.
  • 必须通过APOSTC认证吗


  • 必须没有被判犯有重罪,涉及武力,暴力或道德败坏的轻罪.
  • CPR和急救证书.


  • Knowledge of security, traffic, and parking practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge of general Huntingdon conduct rules.
  • 人际交往能力,需要与教师,员工,学生和公众沟通.
  • 能够实施心肺复苏术或急救.
  • Ability to recognize safety, security, or health hazards.
  • 记录调查的能力.
  • 能够监控火灾和运动系统.
  • 良好的口头和书面沟通能力.


  • 录用的条件是通过入职前的背景调查和药检.

To Apply

填写并提交 十大菠菜靠谱平台求职申请表 把简历寄到hr@hawks.24n3x7vn.com.


十大菠菜靠谱平台有一个兼职教师库,以解决学院所有学科可能出现的任何教学需求, e.g. accounting, art, biology, 工商管理, chemistry, 基督教部委, 沟通研究, 刑事司法, economics, education, English, French, geography, history, management, mathematics, music (including instrumental studio instruction), 物理科学, 政治科学, psychology, religion, Spanish, 运动科学与体育, and theater.


  • 当前简历或个人简历;
  • 所有中学以上成绩单,
  • 三封推荐信,
  • 教学理念

In order to be considered for as a potential part-time instructor, a candidate must have a completed graduate degree, and at least 18 hours of coursework in the discipline the candidate desires to teach.  Additionally and specific to part-time instructors for the Music Program: the candidate must be highly skilled in the instructional area; able to communicate well and utilize delivery systems as needed; able to perform in public, assist students to perform in public in the music area taught; and must be physically able to handle materials and equipment related to teaching.


  • Email: officeofthecao@hawks.24n3x7vn.com
  • 传真:(334)833-4272
  • 邮寄地址:教务处, 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, 东美景大道1500号, 蒙哥马利,al36106-2148


十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition of the United Methodist Church, 是否致力于培育信心的成长, wisdom, 服务和准备在快速变化的世界中取得成功的毕业生. Founded in 1854, Huntingdon is a coeducational liberal arts college.



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